
Cancellation Policy

Make-up classes are only scheduled due to inclement weather or instructor illness. In either case, parents will be notified by email or text message with potential options. 

Summer Session (4 Day Sessions): All swim classes are four days long (typically Monday-Thursday) with Friday being used as a built-in make-up day. If lessons are scheduled for Tuesday-Friday, due to a Monday holiday, there is no make-up day in the event of cancellation. 

Payment Policy

We do not offer refunds or make-ups for individual students. Please make every effort to attend your scheduled lessons. Extraordinary circumstances and extended illnesses will be handled on a case-by-case basis.  

The entire session fee is paid up front upon registration. 

Summer Session (4 Day Sessions): $100 of the total payment is non-refundable. The remainder of the payment can be refunded if you contact me at hello@swimwithdarby.com at least fourteen days before the start of your child’s lessons. For transfers within a session, there is no additional charge. To transfer session dates at least fourteen days before the start of the lessons, $100 of the total payment is non-refundable.

Activity Waiver

During the registration process, an activity waiver is to be signed by parents. This is required and no swimmers will be able to begin lessons without a signed waiver on file.